
 Can money buy happiness? This sounds like a cliché, yet it’s a complex question. Most people will  say “no, money can’t buy happiness”, however, most of us can also agree that having enough  money sure makes life a lot easier, because money is undeniably an important part of our modern  day lives.

Depending on the cultural background and family upbringing, we all have our own unique  relationship with money. Sometimes, it feels like a love-hate relationship, and other times, we  simply try to avoid dealing with it. The definition of “enough” varies from person to person, but in  order to have “enough” money for a happy and balanced life, we first need to understand ourselves  in how we behave with regards to money. Awareness is the first step to self-empowerment.

This is where I come in. As a Personal Finance Coach, I help people in exploring and identifying themselves in their money habits, attitudes; and enable them to get clarity on their short term and long term financial goals. Ultimately, financial freedom or financial security comes from the knowledge that there is a clear path to a stable retirement.

What I DO to help clients:

  • explore, understand and build stronger money beliefs and healthier habits
  • spending & budgeting management
  • cashflow forecasts to ensure alignment with short-term and long-term financial goals
  • debt management
  • education on various financial products to enable clients make their own informed decisions
  • gain financial knowledge and confidence to become self-empowered

What I DON’T do with clients:

  • sell or recommend any financial products
  • give specific investment advice

For a private consultation to see if there is a fit in the services I provide and what you are looking for, feel free to contact me:

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